Give Feedback That Gets Results

Are you a people manager, project leader, or individual contributor

who wants to give impactful feedback with more confidence?


Delivering feedback is an important skill for every employee. Whether you are sharing that input with your manager, your peer, your direct report, or someone's boss, there are simple communication and self-awareness tools that make these exchanges easier and more effective.

In this workshop, we focus on two types of feedback communication: direct conversations and giving input to a person's boss. To support participants with both scenarios, we practice a 4-step framework that makes performance feedback specific, actionable, and clearly understood.

Workshop participants also learn:

  • Mental, emotional, and physical strategies to prepare for difficult conversations

  • Mindfulness tools to respond to strong emotions in themselves and others

  • How to verify input from stakeholders and decide what to pass on

  • Strategies for offering unsolicited feedback

Participants develop a script for real feedback they intend to share and discuss solutions to common obstacles in these conversations.


Sign up for a free call to learn how this workshop can support your team and get some personal tips for your next performance review

Meet Your Facilitators

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Lauren Streb

Lauren Streb Coaching

Executive and Leadership Coach

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Keady Phelan

KdP Coaching

Executive and Leadership Coach

Lauren Streb is an executive coach who guides clients through successful career transitions and the discovery of their purpose and legacy. She is inspired to help clients achieve greater professional impact as well as a gentler, kinder relationship to themselves.

Lauren's work is informed by 16 years as a manager, mentor, and coach as well as experience as a meditation and yoga instructor.


Keady Phelan is an intuitive career and leadership coach who believes we have everything we need within ourselves to have the professional and personal lives we want. Her clients appreciate the non-judgmental, safe space that she creates to allow for personal exploration, self-discovery, and true transformation.

She draws on 25 years as a corporate leader, manager and coach to help clients recognize and bring forth their highest potential.